Impact Project
UX Design / 3D Design
This project involved applying a global design challenge from the UN Sustainable Development Goals list, to a local challenge in my college town by using a human centered approach. I made sure to identify the root problem and interview people that could give me a dynamic understanding, all while aligning my data with my macro goal of keeping this specific area of the river, free of trash. 
My solution is a series of signs along the river, that informs people of the habitat and importance of keeping our wildlife areas clean. The station also offers free trash bags, gloves and trash cans to encourage people to pick up trash as they walk along the river.
Aside from research, one thing that inspired this idea is when I walk along the beach with my mother in our hometown, we take a trash bag to pick up trash while walking.
3D sign mockups
Hi-fi sign mockup
The Area
The Boise Greenbelt is a walking and cycling path that runs along the river. Boise is a very active community and on nice days you will see countless people walking, running, hammocking and enjoying a day on the path. These signs would encourage the active community to help keep their community clean. Boise locals tend to be respectful of nature and would appreciate this concept.
Greenbelt path along Boise State University campus
Process Work
Systems map
I applied human centered design methods such as IDEO's method, guided tour, in efforts to learn more about people who spend time by the river and learn about who I was designing for. I chose a friend of mine who is a fly fisherman in the area, to gain additional insight on my topic and users.
After conducting the research above, I was able to start creating a POV statement, transition that into How Might We questions, and then into creating a lo-fi prototype. 
POV > HMW > Lo-fi prototype
POV > HMW > Lo-fi prototype
Lo-fi prototype with peer feedback
Lo-fi prototype with peer feedback
POV Statements
POV Statements
HMW Questions
HMW Questions
Lo-fi Prototype
Lo-fi Prototype

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